7 Truths about Training for a Distance Run ...


As a certified trainer and distance runner, I'm accustomed to the amount of time and effort training for a distance run can take. After running 21 marathons and hundreds of other races, I've had my fair share of experience with sacrifice when training. Despite all the hard work put forth, the accomplishment makes it all worthwhile. But before you sign up for a distance run, you should be aware of what it takes. Here are the truths about training for a distance run:

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When training for a distance run, you should be aware it's going to take time to train each day. Depending on the race you're training for, it can take anywhere between 1 and 3 hours to train each day. Be ready to dedicate time to your training so that you can have a great race!



Aside from the time it takes to train for a distance run, it's going to take plenty of effort. You're not going to just go through the motions in your training: you have to work hard and push yourself. On days when you're tired and the last thing in the world you want to do is work out, if you're doing a distance race, you have to push yourself and train.



Focus on your end goal and train with dedication and perseverance. If you spend each training day with great focus, your results will reflect this. I often train with no music or distractions, to just focus on the miles I'm running. This is a great way to embrace your efforts.



I try to run with love and passion. When you run, remember why you started and what kept you going. Run because you want to, not because someone is telling you to. Do it for yourself and not a mile will be wasted!



When you train for a distance run, it's going to take dedication to making better food choices, dedication to waking up early and dedication to keeping this up every day. To accomplish a goal of running a distance run, you have to be dedicated or you will not complete this or stay committed to your training. Are you ready to make a commitment in time, effort and energy?

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There are many days when I have sacrificed my sleep to get up early and get my training in, or given up TV time throughout my training. Training for a distance race takes time and with this comes sacrifice, but at the end of your journey it will all be well worth it. Are you ready to make sacrifices so that you can complete a distance race?



At the end of your race when you cross the finish line, you feel a rush of gratitude, accomplishment and adrenaline because you just completed your first distance race. After completing your race, you realize that with hard work and passion, anything is possible.

So now that you know what it takes, are you ready to run your first distance run? Do you have what it takes? Every day we make a choice in who we want to be. Who do you want to be? Happy running! Here's to countless miles accomplished, and running with love, passion and focus!

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amen sister. just crossed the Grand Canyon. agree w all said

I loved this blog. everything was absolutely spot on. thank you. it's good to see reminders like this every now and again so I can keep myself motivated.

Great tips! Training for my first half marathon! Ive got quite a while to go but this really motivated me!

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