7 Running Goals to Make for the New Year ...


7 Running Goals to Make for the New Year ...
7 Running Goals to Make for the New Year ...

As we start the New Year with excitement and ambition, let me share with you some great running goals to make. As a longtime runner, running hundreds of races and thousands of miles, it is always fun to make new goals and break up the monotony of your routine. With new goals there is even more reason to stay motivated and stay in shape! Here are some super running goals to make for the year:

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1. Beat Your 5k Time

Running a 5k (3.1 miles) is a fun distance because it is short, can be fast and there are many 5k races throughout the year. Whether you choose to run a 5k race or on your own, why not make a goal to beat your 5k time. Personalized goals are a great way to stay motivated and in shape! This super tip of conquering your time is one of the best running goals to make.

2. Run Your Longest Distance

Put your legs to the test and run your longest distance. This is a great way to test your mental strength and physical your endurance. This is a fun way to test your body and the aftermath is you will achieve a new accomplishment for yourself!

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3. Run Your Fastest Mile

I ran a 5.13 mile when I was in high school and I love to every now and then, test my 33 year old body against the results i achieved in my youth. The results are usually quite surprising because I am in even better shape now. Put your lungs to the test and see if your body is composed with more fast switch muscle fibers with a full sprint mile. For the New Year make a goal to run your fastest mile. This is your own personalized goal so do not worry or stress what your friends or the pros are running. Running is an individualized sport so own your own success and be proud!

4. Test Yourself in a Race

I really enjoy running the occasional race to see where my fitness level is and to make new goals. So for the New Year, why not test yourself and run an official race; you never know this may even become a tradition. To add to the excitement, recruit some friends and family to run as well.

5. Run a Destination Race

Out of my 21 marathons I have run, the most memorable experiences that I have are of races I have traveled to. it's great to make new memories with your friends and family and run a destination race. Head to Miami for some running memories and fun or why not head to Hawaii? This is a fun way to tie travel and health together!

6. Run a Half Marathon

For longer distance runners why not test your body and make a new goal of running a half marathon. You will get a really cool medal, a super goal achieved and you will meet lots of other cool runners. Running a half marathon is a great goal for the new year!

7. Run a Marathon

The last on my list, but certainly not the least, is running a marathon. Imagine completing 26.2 miles on your legs and feeling a rush of endorphins, adrenaline and accomplishment? This is exactly what you will feel if you decide to conquer running a marathon. Try it, I dare you! I promise you will not regret it ;-).

I hope you have enjoyed my list of running goals and I hope they have motivated you. Make sure to conquer your list with a smile and have fun! What are your running goals for the New Year? Have a happy, healthy running New Year!

Feedback Junction

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my new year goal was to start running. i have only been running for a few weeks but i have already seen progress and by summer 2015 i want to run a marathon

I can sum this up in one word: determination .

I've been running for 8 months and plan on doing my first half marathon this November, needless to say am a nervous wreck lol but excited at the same time...awesome read!!!! Thanks!!

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