How to Finish a Race without Losing Your Wind or Your Mind ...

Eliza Apr 21, 2023

How to Finish a Race without Losing Your Wind  or Your Mind ...
How to Finish a Race without Losing Your Wind  or Your Mind ...

Signing up for a race is a great thing! You’ll burn calories and get in shape while you train and the satisfaction of crossing the finish line on race day is something that simply can’t be beat. Crossing that finish line in the first place can be a difficult thing to do, so having some tools in your arsenal can really help. Here are some really cool and easy things you can do to get there without feeling like you’re going to die, courtesy of Shape magazine.

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1. Slap on a Pair of Sunglasses

Slap on a Pair of Sunglasses When you’re running on a sunny day without your sunglasses, you’ll probably be spending a lot time squinting, which causes tension in your face. That tension often moves down into your shoulders and arm. This can interfere with your running form and waste your energy, leading to fatigue before the race is over. Wearing a pair of shades is a totally easy way to prevent this issue.

2. Get Your Head Ready before You Hear the Gun Go off

Get Your Head Ready before You Hear the Gun Go off Get your confidence going before you even start running and you’ll be way more likely to cross that finish line without feeling like death is at your door. Give yourself a pep talk or get into a fighter’s stance before you line up. This simple thing can go a long way toward helping you reach your goal.

3. Try to Get the inside Lane when You Run

Try to Get the inside Lane when You Run Experts say that staying on the inside lane cuts your total running distance and saves you loads of energy when you’re coming around curves. Stay on the track that is the closest to the turn and you’ll be able to hold on to as much of your energy as you can and shave some time on your total.

4. Open Your Snacks before You Start Running

Open Your Snacks before You Start Running If you’re running a really long race, opening your gels, bars or snacks before you start can help you focus on your energy on running. It can slow you down to have to take the time to figure out how to slit open a snack. If they’re already ripped open a little bit, you really won’t even have to look down to get the item open.

5. Don’t Slow down on the Tops of Hills

Don’t Slow down on the Tops of Hills Running uphill will no doubt slow you down just a little bit, but resist the urge to run down the other side at a slower pace. Pick it back up as soon as you crest the hill and you’d be really surprised at how much time and energy you can save on your race. This takes some practice so make sure to incorporate it into your training regimen.

6. Focus Only on Yourself

Focus Only on Yourself It can be daunting to see the other runners, especially the fitter ones. Tune out what’s going on around you and make the race only about yourself. Try to ignore the other runners and the distractions that can slow you down. Instead, focus on how much fun you’re going to have and how great you’re going to feel when you cross the finish line.

7. Don’t Keep Looking at Your GPS or Timer

Don’t Keep Looking at Your GPS or Timer It can really get in the way of clocking a new record when you keep glancing at your GPS or time watch. Instead of looking at it constantly, set it to vibrate or beep at each mile marker so you can stay on track and keep your progress going. Easy, right?

Which of these things is going to help your running time?

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