7 Brilliant Marathon Training Tips You Should Follow to Succeed ...


7 Brilliant Marathon Training Tips You Should Follow to Succeed ...
7 Brilliant Marathon Training Tips You Should Follow to Succeed ...

As a 19 time marathoner, I have plenty of marathon training tips to help you prepare for your next 26.2 mile race. A marathon is a 26.2 mile race that reveals your training and preparation. You cannot fake preparation when running a race of this distance, so make sure you are prepared by following my tips. With proper training you can reach your time goal and feel great! You will also recover quicker and reduce the risk of an injury by following these tips. Here are my marathon training tips so you can have a great race and have fun!

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Plan out a Schedule

In order to prepare for race day you need to begin by creating a marathon training schedule. You can consult a running coach with help on this or look online for a free training program. There are various online training programs that range from beginner to advanced levels. Creating a schedule tops my marathon training tips because without a schedule, you will fall short of your goal!


Invest in Good Training and Race Sneakers

In order to have an efficient race and reduce the risk of an injury, it is important to have proper running shoes. You should invest in a pair of mid weight training sneakers for all your training runs and a lighter weight pair of sneakers for all races and speed work.


Figure out the Right Fueling Plan

Some runners eat a full breakfast before their training runs while others eat a light breakfast of an apple. As a trainer, I tell my clients to find the right balance of what works for you. I usually opt for an apple and a piece of whole wheat toast prior to my runs. During training runs I prefer coconut water or an electrolyte fluid to maintain my potassium levels and avoid dehydration. Find what works with your body and stick with it!


Practice with Some Smaller Races

One of the best ways to train for a marathon is to practice by running smaller distance races, such as the 5k, 10k, or half marathon. By racing prior to marathon day you will be less nervous come race day and also be more prepared. Schedule smaller races into your training so you will be race day ready for your marathon!


Add in Some Cross Training

In order to diversify your training, it is important to integrate weight training and cycling, biking or another sport. This will also help you to build your strength and endurance.

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Never Try Anything New on Race Day

Make sure you train in the same race clothing and never try anything new on race day. I have trained clients that had visited a race expo the day before the race; they were trying new race fuel and that evening they were sick. Never trying anything new on the race day to avoid getting sick.


Be Confident for Your Race Day

After you put in the training for your marathon, be confident for race day! Get plenty of rest the night prior to your marathon. Eat your carbs and get ready for a great race!

If you follow my marathon training tips and prepare, you will have a great race and this will be the first of many more races to follow! Are you ready for the challenge of running a marathon?

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